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Fuzhou Xichansi Temple: one of the five major Buddhist Temple in Fujian Province
CCNPIC  By Evelina


017-5090 福州西禅寺建筑群

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5082 福州西禅寺五百罗汉堂

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5077 福州西禅寺法堂

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5080 福州西禅寺观音阁

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5076 福州西禅寺大雄宝殿

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5085 福州西禅寺五百罗汉堂罗汉塑像

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5087 福州西禅寺五百罗汉堂罗汉塑像

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5105 福州西禅寺

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture


017-5093 福州西禅寺报恩塔

Xi Chansi Temple of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province  Picture

  (CCNPIC Evelina)

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